The College of the Holy Cross is a highly selective, undergraduate liberal arts college renowned for offering a rigorous, personalized education in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition. Visit to learn more.
(see more)The College of the Holy Cross is a highly selective, undergraduate liberal arts college renowned for offering a rigorous, personalized education in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition. Visit to learn more.
College of the Holy Cross Senior Ryan D. Forger Receives the 2020 Rev. John J. MacDonnell, S. J., Computer Science Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Ryan D. Forger on receiving the 2020 Rev. John J. MacDonnell, S. J., Computer Science Award. The Rev. John J. MacDonnell, S. J., Computer Science Award is awarded for proficiency in computer science.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 11
College of the Holy Cross Senior Andrea R. Bucknam Receives the 2020 Heather C. Lochmuller '98 Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Andrea R. Bucknam on receiving the 2020 Heather C. Lochmuller '98 Award. The Heather C. Lochmuller '98 Award was established in 1999 in memory of Class of 1998 alumna Heather Lochmuller. It is awarded to a fourth-year chemistry major for outstanding service to the Chemistry Department.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 11
College of the Holy Cross Senior Maura C. Eagan Receives the 2020 The Monsignor Kavanagh Medal & Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Maura C. Eagan on receiving the 2020 The Monsignor Kavanagh Medal & Award. The Monsignor Kavanagh Medal & Award is given for the best original essay on some phase of Christian art or archeology.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 11
College of the Holy Cross Senior Kerry C. Shortell Receives the 2020 Leonard J. McCarthy, S.J., Memorial Prize
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Kerry C. Shortell on receiving the 2020 Leonard Award. The Leonard J. McCarthy, S.J., Memorial Prize is awarded for the best essay in the criticism of English or American Literature.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 11
College of the Holy Cross Senior Emily F. Brown Baker Receives the 2020 Thomas P. Imse Alpha Kappa Delta Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Emily F. Brown Baker on receiving the 2020 Thomas P. Imse Alpha Kappa Delta Award. The Thomas P. Imse Alpha Kappa Delta Award is given to a fourth-year sociology major who is a member of Alpha Kappa Delta. This award is in recognition of scholarly excellence and demonstrated commitment to learning for the service of humankind.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 11
College of the Holy Cross Senior Thomas A. Posillico Receives the 2020 Rev. Robert F. Healey, S. J., Greek Prize
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Thomas A. Posillico on receiving the 2020 Rev. Robert F. Healey, S. J., Greek Prize. The Rev. Robert F. Healey, S.J., Greek Prize is awarded by the Classics Department to a fourth-year Classics major who has attained a high degree of proficiency in the study of Ancient Greek.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 11
College of the Holy Cross Senior Emily C. Arancio Receives the 2020 Nellie M. Bransfield Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Emily C. Arancio on receiving the 2020 Nellie M. Bransfield Award. The Nellie M. Bransfield Award is given to a fourth-year outstanding actor/actress. While at Holy Cross, Emily participated in a department theatre show each semester. Her most recent show at Holy Cross was Shakespeare's Richard II as King Richard directed by Ed Isser. In the coming fall, Emily will be attending University of Southern California's prestigious MFA Acting program.

Achievement (Other) -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Maire P. White Receives the 2020 Edna Dwyer Grzebien Prize
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Maire P. White on receiving the 2020 Edna Dwyer Grzebien Prize. The Edna Dwyer Grzebien Prize is awarded for excellence and commitment in the study of world languages.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Sibgha Javaid Receives the 2020 Rev. William F. Hartigan Medal
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Sibgha Javaid on receiving the 2020 Rev. William F. Hartigan Medal. The Rev. William F. Hartigan Medal is awarded for the best essay on a subject in Religion.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 11
College of the Holy Cross Senior James P. Neville Receives the 2020 George H. Hampsch Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates James P. Neville on receiving the 2020 George H. Hampsch Award. The George H. Hampsch Award is given for outstanding contribution to the Cause of Peace. This award is in memory of Dr. Hampsch, who had been a longtime member of Holy Cross' Philosophy Department.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Olivia G. Lozy Receives the 2020 Dr. Marianthi Georgoudi Memorial Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Olivia G. Lozy on receiving the 2020 Dr. Marianthi Georgoudi Memorial Award. The Dr. Marianthi Georgoudi Memorial Award is given to the outstanding graduating Psychology major as judged by the faculty of the Psychology Department. This award is in memory of Dr. Georgoudi, a longtime a member of the Holy Cross Psychology Department.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Kerry C. Shortell Receives the 2020 Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Kerry C. Shortell on receiving the 2020 Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Award. The Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Award, first established in 1993 in recognition of academic excellence in Women's Studies, the Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Award today honors a student who has achieved excellence in academic work from the perspective of critical feminist and/or gender theory and who has demonstrated engagement with issues of pressing concern to women and LGBTQIA+ persons.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Katherine A. Goza Receives the 2020 Vin Forde Memorial Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Katherine A. Goza on receiving the 2020 Vin Forde Memorial Award. The Vin Forde Memorial Award is awarded annually by the faculty of the Department of Religious Studies to the graduating senior who best exemplifies the values of Vin Forde: dedication to the academic study of religion alongside a manifest commitment to both the Catholic and civic communities, represented in the individual's service to the College, Church, and broader community.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Justin S. Makuc Receives the 2020 Caren G. Dubnoff Political Science Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Justin S. Makuc on receiving the 2020 Caren G. Dubnoff Political Science Award. The Caren G. Dubnoff Political Science Award is given to a fourth-year Political Science major for outstanding academic achievement in Political Science.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Kerry A. Larkin Receives the 2020 Rev. John W. Flavin, S.J., Award in Biology
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Kerry A. Larkin on receiving the 2020 Rev. John W. Flavin, S.J., Award in Biology. The Rev. John W. Flavin, S.J., Award in Biology is given to a fourth-year biology major who has shown excellence in scientific achievement, humanitarian service, or contribution to the vitality of the Biology Department and the College.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Kirsten J. Tischbein Receives the 2020 Economics and Accounting Department Achievement Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Kirsten J. Tischbein on receiving the 2020 Economics and Accounting Department Achievement Award. The Economics & Accounting Achievement Award honors the student who has contributed most significantly in scholarship, enthusiasm and/or service to the Economics Department.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Kevin L. Finnegan Receives the 2020 John J. Cummings, Jr./BAI Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Kevin L. Finnegan on receiving the 2020 John J. Cummings, Jr./BAI Award. The John J. Cummings, Jr./Bai Award is for the best essay or research paper submitted during the academic year on a subject relating to financial institutions.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Kerry A. Larkin Receives the 2020 Crompton Gold Medal
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Kerry A. Larkin on receiving the 2020 Crompton Gold Medal. The Crompton Gold Medal is awarded for the best scientific essay or research paper submitted during the school year.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Anthony J. Fimognari Receives the 2020 Frank D. Comerford Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Anthony J. Fimognari on receiving the 2020 Frank D. Comerford Award. The Frank D. Comerford Award is given to a fourth-year student for superior ability in public speaking.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior William J. Crowley Receives the 2020 Joseph C. Cahill Prize
College of the Holy Cross congratulates William J. Crowley on receiving the 2020 Joseph C. Cahill Prize. The Joseph C. Cahill Prize is awarded to a graduating chemistry major for excellence in chemistry.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Liam Z. O'Toole Receives the 2020 Philip A. Conniff, S.J., Prize in Latin
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Liam Z. O'Toole on receiving the 2020 Philip A. Conniff, S.J., Prize in Latin. The Philip A. Conniff, S.J., Prize in Latin is awarded by the Classics Department to a fourth-year Classics major for excellence in the study of the Latin language.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Andrew P. Gerety Receives the 2020 Bourgeois French Prize
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Andrew P. Gerety on receiving the 2020 Bourgeois French Prize. The Bourgeois French Prize is awarded for the best essay on a subject relating to the culture of the French and their descendants in the United States.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Xinyi Wang Receives the 2020 Beethoven Prize
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Xinyi Wang on receiving the 2020 Beethoven Prize. The Beethoven Prize is awarded to a fourth-year student for the best historical or analytical essay on music or an original composition.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Sibgha Javaid Receives the 2020 Elias Atamian Family Book Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Sibgha Javaid on receiving the 2020 Elias Atamian Family Book Award. The Elias Atamian Family Book Award is given to a student who has excelled in Middle Eastern Studies.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Maire P. White Receives the 2020 Karen Gottschang Turner Asian Studies Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Maire P. White on receiving the 2020 Karen Gottschang Turner Asian Studies Award. The Karen Gottschang Turner Asian Studies Award is presented to a fourth-year Asian Studies major or concentrator who has submitted the most outstanding piece of scholarly or artistic work as judged by a committee of Asian Studies faculty. The award also recognizes distinctive academic achievement in the Asian Studies curriculum and contribution to the Asian Studies Program.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Luke P. Wardour Receives the 2020 Pedro Arrupe Medal for Outstanding Service
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Luke P. Wardour on receiving the 2020 Pedro Arrupe Medal for Outstanding Service. The Pedro Arrupe Medal for Outstanding Service is awarded to a graduating senior whose faith in the gospel is made visible through their work for justice, both at Holy Cross and beyond.

Achievement (Other) -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Andrea R. Bucknam Receives the 2020 American Institute of Chemists Foundation Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Andrea R. Bucknam on receiving the 2020 American Institute of Chemists Foundation Award. The American Institute of Chemists Foundation Award goes to an outstanding fourth-year chemistry major for a demonstrated record of ability, leadership, and professional promise.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 7
College of the Holy Cross Senior Guadalupe Hernandez Receives the 2020 George J. Allen, Ph. D., '65 Psychology Award
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Guadalupe Hernandez on receiving the 2020 George J. Allen, Ph. D., '65 Psychology Award. The George J. Allen, Ph.D., '65 Psychology Award is given to a fourth-year psychology major who best exemplifies the integration of empirical scientific research and community service.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 6
College of the Holy Cross Senior Leah Zogby Receives the 2020 Academy of American Poets Prize
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Leah Zogby on receiving the 2020 Academy of American Poets Prize. The Academy of American Poets Prize is given for the best poem or group of poems submitted to the College's English Department.

Academic Award -
2020 Aug 6
College of the Holy Cross Senior Diana Lee Receives the 2020 Carter G. Woodson Prize
College of the Holy Cross congratulates Diana Lee on receiving the 2020 Carter G. Woodson Prize. The Carter G. Woodson Prize is given to a fourth-year student for outstanding scholarly or artistic achievement in African American Studies.

Academic Award -
2020 Jul 31