The College of the Holy Cross is a highly selective, undergraduate liberal arts college renowned for offering a rigorous, personalized education in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition. Visit to learn more.
(see more)The College of the Holy Cross is a highly selective, undergraduate liberal arts college renowned for offering a rigorous, personalized education in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition. Visit to learn more.
College of the Holy Cross Welcomes the Class of 2028
The College of the Holy Cross is proud to announce the members of the Class of 2028. Hailing from 507 different high schools, 41 U.S. states and territories and 13 different countries, this incoming class represents one of the most diverse and academically accomplished classes in the College's history. These newly minted Crusaders have distinguished themselves through community service, leadership roles, and diverse participation in areas like the arts, music and athletics. Welcome to Holy Cross, Class of 2028!

Enrollment -
2024 Sep 12
College of the Holy Cross Welcomes the Class of 2027
The College of the Holy Cross is proud to announce the members of the Class of 2027. Hailing from 38 states and territories, and 12 different countries, more than 15 percent of Holy Cross' Class of 2027 are first-generation college students. These newly minted Crusaders have distinguished themselves through community service, leadership roles, and diverse participation in areas like the arts, music and athletics. Welcome to Holy Cross, Class of 2027!

Enrollment -
2023 Aug 31
College of the Holy Cross Welcomes the Class of 2026
The College of the Holy Cross is proud to announce the members of the Class of 2026. Hailing from 575 high schools, 14 countries and four continents, twenty-five percent of the class are students of color and international students; 24 languages are spoken; and 50 members hold dual citizenship. These newly minted Crusaders have distinguished themselves through community service, leadership roles, and diverse participation in areas like the arts, music and athletics. Welcome to Holy Cross, Class of 2026!

Enrollment -
2022 Sep 2
Holy Cross Welcomes the Class of 2025
The College of the Holy Cross is proud to announce the members of the Class of 2025. Hailing from 33 states, and 15 different countries, more than 16% of Holy Cross' Class of 2025 are first-generation college students. These newly minted Crusaders have distinguished themselves through community service, leadership roles, and diverse participation in areas like the arts, music and athletics. Welcome to Holy Cross, Class of 2025!

Enrollment -
2021 Aug 27